If you wish to contact us to obtain more information or make an appointment, please call us at 570-763-0054 or by e-mail. If you have questions regarding insurance or fees, please contact us by phone.
Speaking Engagements
The Doctors and Staff of the NeuroSensory Center of Eastern Pennsylvania would be pleased to speak to your group – Kiwanis, Parents Association, PTA, Church or Temple, Support Group or others. Topics include: Making Sense of NeuroSensory Disorders; Cutting Edge Treatments for Autism; Sight, Vision and Learning; Ending the Cycle of Chronic Pain; or a topic of special interest for your organization.
Contact the Center at 570.763.0054 or to schedule your presentation.

NeuroSensory Center of Eastern Pennsylvania
250 Pierce Street, Suite 317
Kingston, PA 18704
Phone: 570-763-0054
Fax: 570-763-0056